In the Hands of Others (7 of 20)
Thread: Alpha and Omega
Ariadne pushed herself against the wall under a window. A breeze filtered through a gap in the frame against the nape of her neck. She wanted to cool down, calm herself, but her heart kept pounding. ‘Repay?’
‘For saving your lives,’ said Fay. ‘Just like you repaid Bobby after he saved yours.’
‘What are you talking about?’
Fay tilted her head and said, ‘You guys became fuck buddies because you love each other I suppose.’
Repelled, Ariadne said, ‘We do love each other.’
‘He’s not your type, you prefer the quiet ones who do the laundry or pop down to the corner shop to get the tea and biscuits without a prompt. Bobby, well, he’s a little impulsive, right? You gave him your bed because you owed him. And he’s had enough of his hand all this time, so he forgave you all that grey hair up there… and down there.’
Ariadne didn’t say a word. She disagreed with everything, completely, one-hundred-and-one-percent, but she wasn’t going to cross Fay.
‘I bet he said something like, I never knew older women were so into sex. And you bit your tongue, wanting to tell him you’re only in your thirties. Then your periods stopped which was a big surprise for both of you.’
Ariadne bit her tongue, trying not to get angry. Her tongue was sore.
‘And Bobby, always good with his words, said he wanted to abort the ‘thing’ because you two are on the run. You told him a baby was a precious treasure, a life more important than your own. What you didn’t tell him was this was probably your last chance to have a sprog. Bobby got mad and whomped you one in the face, then cried because he was sorry about it. Like I said, impulsive. A bit of a numpty too, a condom hadn’t occurred to him.’
‘Shut up, Fay!’ Ariadne shouted, looking up and glaring at the ex-Clothman. ‘We’re not all like you Cloth people! Love isn’t perfect and I never wrote that it was!’
Fay smiled; Ariadne turned towards the floor again, dreading the response. A chill came over her.
‘Nice one,’ said Fay. ‘I really need you to have a bit more fire in your gut if you’re going to do this thing for me, right? Rise and shine, darlin’. It’s time to shake this town.’
Fay swore she wasn’t Cloth anymore, but she still had the blood of one, playing mind games and little party tricks. It didn’t make Ariadne feel any better. Ariadne lifted her gaze. ‘What the hell do you want, Fay?’
‘Ah yeah, that.’ Fay cleared her throat. ‘It’s dangerous but to help you I got what you could call the Lonely Planet guide to taking on the Cloth. Your mission – should you decide to accept it and let’s be you honest you ain’t got much choice – is to raze the English Foundry and kill the switchman there.’
Now what IS this with Ariadne and Fay, hmmm???
Very intriguing and oh so nasty!
Now what IS this with Ariadne and Fay, hmmm???
Very intriguing and oh so nasty!
Now what IS this with Ariadne and Fay, hmmm???
Very intriguing and oh so nasty!
Now what IS this with Ariadne and Fay, hmmm???
Very intriguing and oh so nasty!